A Word on COVID-19 and Spanaway Water Company’s Response and Information


Water utilities are essential service providers. Water system owners, managers and operators work hard to keep water supplies safe for everyone. The COVID-19 pandemic poses unique challenges, and this is not an easy job.

We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy at this difficult time. We want to assure you we are working hard to provide safe and reliable drinking water to your homes and businesses. During this time our staff is still conducting essential work, including collecting routine monitoring samples, monitoring the treatment, inspecting our facilities, reading meters,conducting important routine maintenance, and emergency repairs. We are asking you to please give our staff the space they need to conduct their work, by keeping at least 6 feet of distance. Please continue to allow our staff access to the water system by not blocking driveways or easements. Our operators need clear access to water system components such as valves, meters, and the pump house. Our staff is vital to keeping the water system operational.

As you are aware, COVID-19 is having a major impact on all aspects of American life.  This is true at the personal, school, business, and professional levels.  On the public water supply side, we would like to clearly identify that there is no indication that COVID-19 can be transmitted via a public water system.  In the unlikely event that the virus was even present, it would be killed within a few minutes of contact with the chlorine used to treat and protect the water you receive. 

Even though the water you receive is safe from COVID-19, this pandemic has triggered Spanaway Water Company’s emergency response plan.  As we implement our plan, you will notice that public access to the office is not permitted for the protection of both the public and employees.

Employees will be taking precautions handling night drop and mail payments.  We are sorry if this creates any inconveniences but it does provide a degree of protection for customers and employees.

Finally, a few words on protecting yourself and family members.  Though you have probably heard this many times here are some basic measures to reduce the spread of COVIS-19:

  • Frequent handwashing for 20 seconds
  • Regularly disinfect surfaces
  • Social separation, maintaining at least six feet of separation from others
  • Minimizing exposure to other people and crowds
  • If you or a family member are potentially sick with COVID-19 stay home and contact your health care provider via the phone as to how to proceed.

The spread of COVID-19 will challenge the way we all live our lives for at least several months.  If we each take reasonable precautions, we can slow the spread of the virus and give our health care system time and facilities to aid those in need.  Throughout this pandemic, as always, we work to provide you with a safe reliable water supply.

Sincerely, the Board of Directors and Employees 

For large building that are closed during this time here is a word from Washington State Department of Health Office of Drinking Water.

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